
MICAV-2014 Micro Air Vehicle Flying Competition | All that I do | Aeromodelling, RC adventures from India

MICAV-2014 Micro Air Vehicle Flying Competition

Posted by allthatido | February 06, 2014 | News | No Comments

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Team Silver Arrow from Drone & DC Enterprises, Bangalore, emerged as the winner of the National Micro Air Vehicle MICAV-14. The event as a part of DRDO/ DST sponsored National Program on Micro Air Vehicle (NPMICAV) was organized by CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories and supported by Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore.

The National Micro Air Vehicle Flying Competition MICAV-2014 was held at the Jain Global Campus, Bangalore during 8-11 Jan 2014. The participants of about 400 include the 11 competing teams from various parts of India, the project team of all the projects from NPMICAV and scientists and engineers from national laboratories, academic institutions and the private industries.

The competition, that saw the participation of over 11 teams from across the country, concluded on Saturday. The team comprising Krishna Kishore J, Uttam Chandrasekhar, Lohit Shivanna and Hariprasad Krishna won the competition as well as the prize for the best design.The team from IIT Bombay emerged runners-up.

You can read more about the competition at their website :

via MICAV-2014 Micro Air Vehicle Flying Competition | All that I do | Aeromodelling, RC adventures from India


N Chandrashekhar